Amendments Made to the Articles of Association in 2023

The decision to increase the bank’s paid in capital to TL 84,600,000 was approved in the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 29 March 2023, and the capital increase and the related amendment made in the relevant article of the Articles of Association was registered on 30 March 2023 and announced in the Trade Registry Gazette numbered 10801 dated 30 March. The accounting for the capital increase was carried out on 30 March 2023, based on the permission obtained from the BRSA. The relevant article of the Articles of Association has been updated accordingly, as indicated below.

Former Version of Article 6:

New Version of Article 6:



Article 6- The Bank’s capital is 34,900,000,000.- Turkish Lira, with the entire capital belonging to the Turkey Wealth Fund. The capital is divided into 34,900,000,000 registered shares, each with a nominal value of 1 Turkish Lira. The former capital of 13,100,000,000.- Turkish Lira has been fully paid. The capital increase of 21,800,000,000.- Turkish Liras has been committed in cash and free from collusion and has been fully paid ahead of the registration date.

Article 6- The Bank’s capital is 84,600,000,000.- Turkish Lira, with the entire capital belonging to the Turkey Wealth Fund. The capital is divided into 84,600,000,000 registered shares, each with a nominal value of 1 Turkish Lira. The former capital of 34,900,000,000.- Turkish Lira has been fully paid. The capital increase of 49,700,000,000.- Turkish Liras has been committed in cash and free from collusion and has been fully paid ahead of the registration date.
