Supplier Relationships Management

Ziraat Bank nurtures its relationships with suppliers as business partners based on mutual respect, responsibility and fair sharing. It supports the success of its suppliers by endorsing completed projects.

Ziraat Bank utilizes the Corporate Expense Management module developed within Ziraat Technology in its procurement management processes. When identifying suppliers, the bank selects and adds suitable candidates to its supplier pool, taking into account the nature of each need.

The following criteria are taken into account in supplier selection:

Ziraat Bank periodically conducts on-site visits to the suppliers which it enters business relationships with to observe and verify the accuracy of the information provided.

The Bank evaluates suppliers on an annual basis, with the option of adjusting this period if necessary or for transactions which require specific attention. The evaluation considers whether the supplier fulfills its obligations, delivery times, product or service quality, among other factors.

When necessary, Ziraat Bank holds meetings with suppliers and conducts regular or ad-hoc audits. Independent audit firms may also be utilized in these audits.

Some of the improvements achieved in Supplier Relationship Management processes in 2023 are listed below:

