Corporate Profile

Ziraat Bank, which has always been the pioneer of economic development at different stages of Turkey’s history, has uninterruptedly transferred resources to the agricultural sector, traders, industrialists, entrepreneurs, retirees and employees.

With its strong financial structure and the trust placed in it by its customers, Ziraat Bank is the most important building block of the Turkish banking sector. The Bank continues widen the diversity and increase the quality of the products and services to all segments of society.

Standing as the leader of the banking sector with the policies it has implemented since its establishment in 1863, Ziraat Bank has gradually strengthened its presence in the business lines it has focuses on, generated increasing employment and become the symbol of reputation and high added value in the eyes of all its stakeholders.

The Bank carries out its activities in a structure that uses its resources effectively in line with its strategy based on the principle of multifaceted efficiency, transfers a significant amount of resources to the public, directly contributes to our country’s monetary policy with its practices and attaches importance to its duty to support the real sector.

The Bank, which has always been the pioneer of economic development at different stages of Turkey’s history, has uninterruptedly transferred resources to the agricultural sector, traders, industrialists, entrepreneurs, retirees and employees.

The companies which make up Ziraat Bank’s wide portfolio of domestic and international affiliates operate in the fields of banking, investment services, portfolio management, venture capital, real estate investment trusts and financial technologies.

With the competence to provide end-to-end financial services all over the country, the Bank produces effective banking solutions that aim to meet the full financial needs of a wide customer base.

With the support provided by its strong technological and operational infrastructure, the Bank offers high quality banking products and services in the fields of corporate, commercial and retail banking.

In the current conjuncture of reshaping global socioeconomic balances, Ziraat Bank is determined to use change effectively and focused on generating increasing added value for Turkey.

Offering the most widespread service network in the Turkish banking sector, Ziraat Bank serves as the only bank in 363 districts and towns in Turkey.

Ziraat Bank offers its ever-increasing variety of products and high-quality services to its customers with;

Operating in 17 countries around the world, the Bank has a broad service network, consisting of 9 international banks and 6 domestic subsidiaries, administrative offices in 3 countries, and 25 foreign branches.

Ziraat Bank realized asset growth of 64.4% in 2023, despite the challenging economic conditions. The Bank succeeded in expanding its total asset base to TL 3,800 billion.

Ziraat Bank realized asset growth of 64.4% in 2023, despite the challenging economic conditions. The Bank succeeded in expanding its total asset base to TL 3,800 billion.

Ziraat Bank will work intensively to achieve its corporate goals in the coming period and continue to reflect the growth potential offered by our country and the surrounding region to its performance.

Ziraat Bank Website

The corporate website at www.ziraatbank.com.tr plays an important role in informing the public with the most up-to-date information. Ziraat Bank presents the necessary information and documents on its website in Turkish and English to its stakeholders within the scope of compliance with the Corporate Governance Principles.

Ziraat Bank’s Shareholder Structure

The Turkey Wealth Fund is the Bank’s sole shareholder. Neither the Chairman or the Members of the Board of Directors, nor the members of the Audit Committee or the CEO or Deputy Chief Executives have any shareholding in the Bank.
