Corporate Social Responsibility

Acting with a sense of social responsibility and the spirit of social sharing, Ziraat Bank is constantly expanding the support it provides to culture and the arts each year.

Ziraat Bank maintains its efforts to bring improvement to individuals and society in various fields, especially in culture, the arts, education and sports. Carrying out projects that will contribute to the cultural heritage of society, the Bank takes its mission in terms of social responsibility one step further every year.

Ziraat Bank fulfils its responsibility to society through the various projects it supports, as well as the museums, cinemas and art galleries it hosts.

Ziraat Bank “Inside Art for Art’s Sake”

Ziraat Bank, which has integrated the importance it has placed on art and artists under the banner of “In Art for Art’s sake” since its establishment, has one of the most extensive collections of sculpture and paintings in Turkey with over 2,500 works. The Bank shares the works in its collection with society through its collection book and the comprehensive exhibitions which it organizes.

The Ziraat Bank Collection of Paintings continues to expand with works provided by artists whose paintings are exhibited in Ziraat Bank galleries.

The Ankara Kuğulu and Çukurambar Art Galleries and Istanbul Tünel Art Gallery stand as testament to the importance Ziraat Bank attaches to national and international plastic arts, have been serving lovers of art for many years. Around 30 exhibitions are opened in the galleries during each exhibition.

Turkey’s first Banking Museum

The Ziraat Bank Head Office Building, designed by the Italian Architect Giulio Mongeri and built in 1929, is located in the Ulus district of Ankara. The Ziraat Bank Museum is located in the Hall of Honor on the ground floor of the building, which is among the buildings of the First National Architectural Period of the Republic of Turkey.

The Ziraat Bank Museum, which opened its doors in 1981 with the aim of transferring Ziraat Bank’s long-standing knowledge and experience to the future, was expanded with the inclusion of the basement level as well as the ground floor after the restoration works started in the historical building in 2017, and was reopened to visitors after its facelift in November 2019.

The Ziraat Bank Museum exhibits the commercial, economic, political, cultural, artistic and educational change which has taken place in the Turkish banking system since its beginnings to the present, and its development from past to present. The museum showcases many antique objects, which contain these features, used in the banking system in a historical atmosphere.

In addition to physical visits, Ziraat Bank Museum also offers a virtual tour, which is prepared by transferring all sections and details to digital media with three-dimensional imaging technology and accessed via the Bank’s website. It is possible to visit the museum and experience the museum step by step from computers and mobile phones.

Ziraat Bank opened the “Ziraat Bank İzmir Art Museum” in its historical building in Konak, İzmir in 2023. More than 100 works selected from the Bank’s art collection are exhibited in the Museum, which was prepared with the requirements of contemporary museology.

With its temporary exhibition hall, children’s education workshop and digital experience areas, the İzmir Art Museum was established with the aim of creating a new meeting point for art in İzmir and contributing to the cultural and artistic life of the city.

Ziraat Bank is proud to present the İzmir Art Museum, our country’s first art gallery owned by a bank, as a gift to the 100th anniversary of our Republic.

In addition, Ziraat Bank opened its exhibition hall at the Ziraat Towers of the Istanbul Financial Center to visitors in 2023. In recognition of the meaning and importance of the year 2023 for both our Republic and the Bank, the “Banking from the Ottoman Empire to the Present” exhibition was organized at the IFM Gallery, hosted by the Bank.

The exhibition includes information and graphic arrangements regarding all banks established in Turkey throughout the Republic period, as well as objects and ephemera documents.

Support for education within the scope of social responsibility

With the ongoing construction work on the school with the support of Ziraat Bank, and within the scope of the social responsibility project, “Children are on Holiday, Schools are under Renovation”, activities have been rolled out to improve schools in priority areas for development and school projects are being carried out. Work on the construction projects continued in 2023.

Uninterrupted contribution and sponsorship for sports

Building on its unwavering contribution to Turkish sports as well as the finance sector over the last 160 years, in 2023 Ziraat Bank entered a sponsorship agreement with the TVF Başkent Volleyball Hall, which will be named as the TVF Ziraat Bankkart Volleyball Hall for 10 years.

Ziraat Bank’s Ziraat Bankkart Sports Club, which has been supporting sport and athletes for many years, achieved the following accolades for the third time in a row in 2023;

Ziraat Bank’s Ziraat Turkish Cup naming rights sponsorship, aimed at contributing to Turkish football, was renewed for the 2023/24 season, bringing the sponsorship into its 15th year.

Ziraat Bank supported the Fifth Productivity and Technology Fair, held at the Ankara ATO Congresium between 2-4 February 2023, with the aim of exhibiting technological products which contribute to increasing productivity in our country and in the world, delivering the results of these activities to large masses, and raising awareness in the field of productivity.

Moreover, the Turkey Innovation Week sponsored by the Bank was held at the Haliç Congress Center between 23-25 November 2023, with the organization of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM). The event, which focuses on value-added production, technology, enterprise and finance, was closely followed on national and international levels.

Other Activities

In the immediate wake of the devastating earthquakes to strike on 6 February 6, 2023, actions were taken in the affected regions in line with Ziraat Bank’s mission of being a responsible bank in order to provide solutions to our citizens living in the earthquake zone. In this vein, the Bank continues to support the campaigns and events in which many public institutions and organizations participate, where we have mobilized as a country.

The Bank quickly ensured the continuity of banking activities in the earthquake zone. In addition to the financial facilities offered to those of our citizens affected by the earthquake, necessary actions were taken to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter, with the work done gaining wide acclaim among the general public.
