Ziraat Bank Senior Management

Click the photos or names to read the CV's.

Executive Vice President for Banking Operations and Corporate Communication

He graduated from Hacettepe University, Department of Public Finance. He completed his master’s degree at Maltepe University. He worked as Assistant Revenue Specialist at the Ministry of Finance between 2004-2005. He started to work in our Bank in 2005 as Assistant Auditor. Thereafter, he worked as Auditor, Department Manager, Branch Manager at Ziraat Bank, Head of Department of Operations Center at Ziraat Katılım. Gündüz, who started to work as Head of Department of Operations Center in September 2016, worked as Head of Department of Operations Center-1 between December 2019 and October 2020, and as Head of Department of Central Operations between October 2020-April 2021. He has been working as Executive Vice President for Banking Operations and Corporate Communication since April 2021.

Executive Vice President for Human Resources

Born in 1973, in Konya. Completed his Master’s Degree education in the Faculty of Business Administration of Selcuk University, joined Ziraat Bank as a Computer Operator in the Department of Education in 1994, served under various titles for various responsibilities. Furthermore, Özuysal served as the Head of Department of Construction and Real Estate Management, Head of Department of Provision and Costs Management, Head of Department of Provision, Costs and Logistics Management, Head of Department of IT Operation, General Manager of Agricultural Business Management and Real Estate Development A.Ş., Head of Interior Operations Group between August 2020 and July 2022, Head of Human Resources Group between July 2022 and September 2023. Özuysal has been working as Executive Vice President for Human Resources since September 2023.

Yüksel CESUR
Executive Vice President for Retail Banking

Graduated from Boğaziçi University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. He started working in our bank in 1996 as Assistant Auditor and then Auditor, and was later appointed as Head of Department of Education between 2005 and 2007. In 2007, he was appointed as Head of Department of Treasury Operations and then he worked as Head of Agricultural Marketing Group and Head of Board of Auditors. Cesur, who served as Executive Vice President for Internal Systems between April 2014 and April 2021, has been working as Executive Vice President for Retail Banking since April 2021.

Executive Vice President for Digital Banking and Payment Systems

He graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations in 1998. He completed his master’s degree in Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences Human Resources Management and Career Counseling Program in 2004. Sağlık, who joined our Bank in 1998 within the 10th Term Banking School, worked as Specialist, Director and Manager at the Departments of Fund Management, Commercial Loans, Retail Marketing, Retail Loans Allocation and Retail Mass Marketing. Sağlık, was appointed as Deputy Head of Department of Retail Product Management in October 2015 and thereafter served as Head of Department of Product Management and Customer Analytics, Card Systems and Internal Control and Compliance. Sağlık, who served as Executive Vice President for Payment Systems and Loan Processes between April 2014 and July 2022, has been working as Executive Vice President for Executive Vice President for Digital Banking and Payment Systems since July 2022.

Ahmet ACAR
Executive Vice President for Credit Risk Monitoring and Liquidation

Born in Turgutlu, in 1972. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Economics. He started working as Assistant Auditor at our bank in 1996 and worked at various levels of the Board of Auditors. He worked as Head of Department of Human Resources, Head of Department of Purchasing and Administrative Affairs, Head of Department of Internal Operations Department, Head of Supply and Expense Management, Şirinyer/İzmir Branch Manager, Head of Board of Auditors, Istanbul 2nd Regional Manager and Istanbul Regional Manager-Kadıköy, Head of Internal Operations Group between July 2022 and September 2023. Acar has been working as Executive Vice President for Credit Risk Monitoring and Liquidation since September 2023.

Süleyman YALÇIN
Executive Vice President for Financial Coordination

Graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Business Administration in 1995 and from International Vision University, Faculty of Law in 2022. In 1996, he started to work as Assistant Auditor at our bank. Thereafter, Yalçın served as Auditor, Deputy Head of Board of Auditors and Branch Manager, Erzurum Regional Manager, Denizli Regional Manager, İzmir 1st Regional Manager, İzmir 2nd Regional Manager, İzmir-Karşıyaka Regional Manager. Yalçın has been working as Executive Vice President for Financial Coordination since September 2023.

Mehmet Şükrü TAŞCI
Executive Vice President for Credit Allocation and Management

He graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Business. In 9 December 1993, he started to work as Assistant Auditor at our bank. Thereafter, Taşcı served as Auditor, Chief Auditor, Deputy Head of Board of Auditors and Branch Manager. He worked as Head of Department of Financial Reporting and Accounting between September 2008-June 2012, İzmir 3rd Regional Manager between July 2012-September 2018, Head of Board of Auditors between October 2018-March 2021. Taşcı has been working as Executive Vice President for Loan Allocation and Management since April 2021.

Executive Vice President for Treasury Management

Born in 1981 in Aksaray and graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Finance, he started working as Assistant Auditor in our bank in 2005. He worked as Auditor, Retail Marketing Manager at Ankara 1st and 2nd Regional Directorates, Manager at Duatepe-Polatlı Girişimci Dinamik Branch, Head of Department of Retail Sales Management and Retail Sales Management-1 and Head of Department of Retail Branch Banking-3, Head of Internal Systems Group between April 2021 and July 2022, Head of Treasury Management and International Banking Group between July 2022 and September 2023. Öztürk has been working as Executive Vice President for Treasury Management since September 2023.

Executive Vice President for Corporate Banking
He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Public Finance. In 1996, he started to work as Assistant Auditor at the Board of Auditors of our Bank. Pişmaf, who served as Auditor, Department Manager of Agricultural Marketing, Head of Department of Agricultural Loans, Deputy Head of Agricultural Loans Group, Head of Department of Entrepreneurial Loans 1, Entrepreneurial Loans Allocation and Management 1, Agricultural Policies and Head of the Agricultural Marketing Group, has been serving as Executive Vice President for Corporate Banking since April 2021.
