Ziraat Bank’s Financial Standing, Profitability and Solvency

Ziraat Bank defines its targets as consistent growth, credit-weighted balance sheet structure, sustainable profitability, and productivity. In 2023 the Bank continued to sustain the strength of its equity-compatible balance sheet structure through the asset & liability management strategies that it adhered to. The Bank’s capital adequacy ratio was 17.2%.

Ziraat Bank continues to contribute to the country’s sustainable growth by meeting the financing needs of individuals and companies with its determined and effective financial intermediation and responsible and sustainable banking approach.

The Bank’s total cash loans increased by 56% to TL 1.972 trillion at the end of 2023, and its share in assets was 52%. The share of securities portfolio in assets is approximately 26%. While Ziraat Bank makes its balance sheet increasingly customer-oriented, it proactively manages credit quality through effective credit processes, prioritizes effective use of resources and expense management through its selective credit policy.

The Bank’s non-performing loans ratio stood at 1.2% in 2023. The Bank’s consistent ability to maintain an NPL ratio below the sectoral average without selling off any of its assets is an indication of the high quality of its asset structure.

Ziraat Bank plans its interaction with its customers in line with customer expectations and habits, and constantly develops its customer-oriented business model. Ziraat Bank continued to contribute to the real sector and the country’s savings balance with the resources it provided, while continuing to develop the right solutions by correctly understanding the financial needs of its customers, and continued to offer products and services which bring ease to the lives of its customers with its investments in digital banking and increased productivity.

In line with Ziraat Bank’s approach of contributing to the country’s overall level of saving and of having recourse to broadly-based sources, total deposits reached TL 2,935 trillion. Ziraat Bank maintained its sector leadership in deposits in 2023 as well as in loans. Deposits and non-deposit sources account for 77% and 10% shares respectively of total liabilities.

The Bank strengthened its funding structure with new collaborations in 2023, within the framework of a management approach focused on ensuring resource diversity and depth, and continued to use alternative sources such as bilateral loans from correspondent banks and post financing, in addition to the syndicated loan and DPR program.

Attaching importance to having a financially strong equity structure, Ziraat Bank’s shareholders’ equity increased by 64% in 2023, reaching TL 331 billion.

The Bank’s most important income item in 2023 was interest income, which amounted to TL 427 billion. The share of interest received from loans in total interest income was 62% as a result of the credit activities carried out during the year. Net fee commission income-another important income item-was increased in 2023 and the incomes were diversified.
