Since its establishment, Ziraat Bank has been the pioneer of economic development in different phases of Turkey’s history, while unwaveringly transferring uninterrupted resources to the real sector and individuals. The Bank has delivered banking products and services to all parts of the country.
One of the cornerstones of the banking sector with its solid financial structure and vast experience, the Bank also operates as an institution aware of its ethical values and social responsibility.
Ziraat Bank once again demonstrated its power to create added value with the financial and operational results it achieved in 2021. The Bank, which has gradually transformed its balance sheet into a more customer-oriented structure has carried out effective loan processes by considering the effective use of resources and cost control.
As of the end of 2021, Ziraat Bank’s total assets had increased by 45.4% to TL 1,371 billion, with shareholders’ equity of TL 97 billion. Aiming to ensure the sustainability of its profitability, which is an important component of equity, the Bank recorded a Return on Equity of 6.9% in 2021 and a Return on Assets of 0.6%.
Ziraat Bank continues to support investments oriented towards agriculture, manufacturing, exports, energy and technology with its selective credit policy. The volume of cash loans rose by 29.6% to TL 778 billion in 2021, accounting for a 56.8% share of the Bank’s balance sheet.
Implementing a strong customer-focused balance sheet strategy, the Bank’s total deposits amounted to TL 949 billion in 2021, representing a 69% share in liabilities. The Bank succeeded in achieving its sector leadership in total deposits, which it has had for many years, in 2021 as well.
Ziraat Bank offers new products and services in cooperation with the entire ecosystem in order to provide its customers with better banking and financial opportunities whenever they need it.
The Bank acted proactively against the pandemic, which continued to be effective in 2021, and designed effective solutions so that all of its customers could continue their economic activities and meet their basic needs under appropriate conditions.
In order to respond to the financing needs of SMEs and non-SME businesses which are committed to job creation and maintaining additional employment, and to provide interest support, Ziraat bank introduced the Additional Employment Loan Package in 2021 within the framework of the protocol signed with the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, the KGF, the SGK and İŞKUR. The volume of loans extended in this context had reached TL 4.35 billion as of the end of the year.
In order to support its customers who had been affected by the floods and fires which ravaged various regions in Turkey during the summer months, Ziraat bank extended the payment deadlines for more than 2,000 loans without charging interest. In addition, the Bank prepared the Tourism Sector Fire Support Package for tourism businesses operating in regions which had suffered the most from the fires.
Ziraat Bank provides uninterrupted support to the agricultural sector with the loans it has extended under favorable conditions and the new practices it has implemented. In 2021, TL 86.6 billion in loans was extended to approximately 542,000 customers from the Bank’s resources to finance the agricultural sector, and more than 83,000 new customers were added to the portfolio.
At the end of 2021, the total volume of agricultural loans extended from the Bank’s resources had reached TL 109.2 billion with the number of loan customers approaching 725,000. Continuing to extend loans with favorable interest rates to its customers operating in the sector, the Bank extended subsidized (interest-reduced) loans amounting to TL 66.2 billion to nearly 405,000 producers and companies operating in the agricultural sector in 2021. The volume of loans extended within the scope of “I Have Many Reasons to Live in My Village”, implemented by Ziraat Bank in 2021, reached TL 694 million in 2021, with the number of producers benefiting from the project reaching 5,447.
Ziraat Bank commands the largest customer base of any bank in Turkey in the retail banking business line. The Bank offers its services to its wide customer base consisting of students, pensioners, traders, entrepreneurs, housewives and farmers through its branches as well as electronic service channels.
Within the scope of housing finance, the volume of loans disbursed for the housing loan products provided by Ziraat Bank reached TL 15 billion in 2021 while and the Bank’s housing loan portfolio reached TL 86 billion.
In 2021, the total volume of consumer loans extended by Ziraat Bank reached TL 59 billion, with TL 25 billion of loans extended during the year, while total vehicle loans stood at TL 670 million, with TL 285 million of vehicle loans extended during the year.
Aiming to diversify its funding sources, Ziraat Bank continued to provide cost-effective and long-term funds from international financial institutions in 2021.
In this context, the Bank issued USD 600 million in sustainable bonds in international markets in 2021 with a maturity of 5 years. Ziraat Bank signed a loan agreement of USD 400 million with Exim Bank of China, one of the leading financial institutions in China. In addition, the Bank obtained a USD 1.3 billion syndicated loan with a maturity of 367 days, with the participation of 45 international banks from 23 countries.
In addition to syndication loans, Ziraat Bank provided a total of USD 1.2 billion in alternative sources such as bilateral loans and post-financing from correspondent banks in 2021 with affordable rates and maturity structures.
Ziraat Bank maintains its position as the Turkish bank with the most extensive service network in the international arena with its wide service network consisting of nine foreign subsidiaries, six domestic subsidiaries, three country management offices, 25 foreign branches and one representative office in 18 countries.
The Bank opened its 5th branch in Bulgaria with the addition of the Burgas Branch in 2021. The 5th branch of Ziraat Bank Uzbekistan JSC, its Uzbekistan-based subsidiary, became operational in Fergana. In addition, the Azadlık Branch of Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan ASC in Azerbaijan entered into service during the year.
Ziraat REIT, one of Ziraat Bank’s domestic subsidiaries, was also offered to the public in 2021. As of the end of the year, 81.06% of Ziraat Bank’s shares were owned by Ziraat Bank while 18.94% of the shares publicly traded.
Ziraat Bank will resolutely continue to be a bank which can compete in the market of the future by deploying the unique know-how which it has built over the course of many years, which is the bank of choice for its quality service, and will create added value for our country and society.