Click the photos or names to read the CV's.

the Board FEYZİ ÇUTURMember of
the Board MAHMUT KAÇARMember of
the Board SERRUH KALELİMember of
the Board ALPASLAN ÇAKARCEO and Member of
the Board BURHANEDDİN TANYERİChairman of the Board VEYSİ KAYNAKVice Chairman of
the Board DR. AHMET GENÇMember of the Board FAZLI KILIÇMember of the Board Yahya AKBENMember of the Audit Board
Burhaneddin TANYERİ
Chairman of the Board
He was born in Erzurum Aşkale in 1953. He was graduated from Erzurum “İmam Hatip” (religious vocational) High School in 1972 and then graduated from the Faculty of Business Administration of Atatürk University in 1978. He worked in Regional Presidency of Agricultural Equipment Institution between the years of 1978-1980. He served as a Reserve Officer between 1980-1981 as the Head of Erzurum Narman Military Branch. He worked as Assistant Inspector, Chief Inspector, Branch Manager and Regional Director-in-chief, respectively, in T.C. Ziraat Bankası A.Ş. between the years of 1982-2005. He served as Member of the Board of Directors in T. Halk Bankası A.Ş. between the years of 2005 – 2010. Further served as Member of the Board of Directors in Halk Finansal Kiralama A.Ş., Halk Sigorta A.Ş., Ziraat Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş., Ziraat Bank Azerbaycan ASC, Ziraat Bank Montenegro AD and Vakıf Leasing A.Ş. respectively, between the years of 2005 – 2021. He has been carrying out the duty as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Member of Credit Committee of our bank since 26 March 2021.
Vice Chairman of the Board
He was born on 1 January 1962 in Kahramanmaraş. He was graduated from Kahramanmaraş “İmam Hatip” (religious vocational) High School in 1981 and then graduated from the Faculty of Law of İstanbul University in 1985. He began his career of freelance lawyer as a member of the Kahramanmaraş Bar Association and at the same time he worked as academician at the Middle East Technical University (METU) Kahramanmaraş MYO (Vocational School of Higher Education). He served as the Vice Mayor of Kahramanmaraş and the deputy Mayor of Kahramanmaraş within the period between the years of 1989 and 1999 covering the two local election period. He was elected as the Mayor of Kahramanmaraş by the Municipal Council of Kahramanmaraş between January 1999 and April 1999. He served as the General Coordinator at an International Group of Companies between the years of 1999 and 2001. Immediately after his task of Kahramanmaraş Provincial Vice President and President of Political Legal Affairs of Justice and Development Party in 2001, he served as AK Party Kahramanmaraş Provincial Presidency between the years of 2002 and 2007. Kaynak who served as the 23rd Period AK Party Kahramanmaraş MP at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) in 2007 worked as the Member of TBMM Justice Commission, Member of AK Party Group Board of Directors and Inter-Parliaments of Turkey-Bahrain Group Chairmanship. With the decree of appointment dated 7 November 2011 he was appointed to the Deputy Justice Minister and served as the Deputy Justice Minister in the 61st and 62nd Governments of the Republic of Turkey. He worked as the Vice President of the United Nations IACA (International Anti-Corruption Academy) between the years of 2012 and 2015. In the Parliamentary General Elections held on 7 June 2015 and on 1 November 2015 he was elected as the 25th and 26th period AK Party MP of Kahramanmaraş. He served as the Deputy Chairman of the Security and Intelligence Commission of the Turkish Grand National Assembly as the 26th Period AK Party Kahramanmaraş MP. He was elected as a member of the AK Party Headquarters Disciplinary Board with the AK Party Ordinary Congress held on 12 September 2015. He was elected as the membership of AK Party MKYK by the Extraordinary Congress held on 22 May 2016. He served as the Deputy Prime Minister in the 65th Government of the Republic of Turkey formed on 24 May 2016. Kaynak is married with five children and speaks Arabic. He has been carrying out the duty of the Vice Chairman of the Board of Ziraat Bank since June 2020. He has been working as member of the Remuneration Committee.
Alpaslan ÇAKAR
CEO and Member of the Board
Graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, and Department of Public Administration. In 1996, Çakar started to work as an Assistant Auditor in Ziraat Bank, served as Auditor and Branch Manager and was appointed as Regional Director-in-chief in 2005. Çakar, became the Head of Department in August 2007, served as Executive Vice President for Retail Banking, Executive Vice President for Operations, Executive Vice President for Consumer Banking and Executive Vice President for Retail Banking, he served as Executive Vice President for Distribution Channels Management between January 2016-July 2017, Executive Vice President for Payment Systems between July 2017-June 2018, Executive Vice President for Retail Banking-2 between June 2018-March 2021. He served as member of the Board of Directors/member of the Audit Board of Ziraat Finansal Kiralama (Ziraat Leasing), Bileşim Alternatif Dağıtım Kanalları Ödeme Sistemi A.Ş., Ziraat Hayat ve Emeklilik A.Ş. (Ziraat Life & Pension), Ziraat Sigorta A.Ş. (Ziraat Insurance), Kredi Kayıt Bürosu A.Ş., Ziraat Bank (Moscow) JSC, Turkmen Turkish Joint Stock Commercial Bank, Ziraat Teknoloji A.Ş., Bankalararası Kart Merkezi A.Ş., Ziraat Gayrimenkul Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş., Ziraat Bank (Moscow) JSC, respectively, between the years of 2003-2019. Çakar has been working as member of the Board of Ziraat Bank (Moscow) JSC since 16 July 2019, and he has been serving as the CEO and member of Board of Ziraat Bank since March 2021. He is the Chairman of the Credit Committee since 26 March 2021. He has been the Chairman of The Banks Association of Türkiye since 22 April 2021. He is member to the Board of Türkiye Wealth Fund since May 2021. He has been carrying out the duty as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ziraat Participation Bank since 1 February 2022.
Member of the Board
Faruk Çelik, born in 1956 in Yusufeli District/Artvin, graduated from Bursa Higher Islamic Institute and thereafter attended at the Department of Management in Kocaeli Management Institute. He was 21st, 22nd and 23rd Bursa MP and 24th and 26th Şanlıurfa MP in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. He served as the Minister of Labor and Social Security and the State Minister at the 60th, 61st and 62nd Governments; served as the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock at the 64th and 65th Governments. He has been working as a member to the Board of Ziraat Bank as of 27 May 2019, and besides he has been working as the alternate member of the Credit Committee and the member of the Remuneration Committee.
Member of the Board
He was graduated in 1983 from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Banking of Gazi University. He got his Master’s Degree at the Department of the Social Sciences Business Management of Beykent University. He has got TÜRMOB (Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants and Sworn-in
Certified Public Accountants of Türkiye) Independent Accountant and Financial Advisor and KGK (Public Oversight Authority) Independent Auditor certificates. Çutur, who worked in 1977 to 1990 at various private sector companies as the Accountant and Finance Manager, later on served in the years from 1990 to 1998 at “Bayındır Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş.” as the General Accounting Manager, and worked at Eti Yatırım A.Ş. in the years from 1998 to 2010 respectively as the Manager of Financial Affairs and Operations, Assistant General Manager and General Manager. He held office at various Investment Funds owned by Eti Yatırım and Etibank as member of the Fund Board and Chairman of the Fund Board, and worked in 2006 at İktisat Yatırım A.Ş. as member of the Board of Directors. He performed his duty as the representative of TMSF (Saving Deposits Insurance Fund) in the period from July 2011 to March 2012, as membership of the Board of Directors of Arap Türk Bankası A.Ş. and A&T Finansal Kiralama A.Ş., to which the said Bank is affiliated. Çutur, who has begun to work as member of the Board in Ziraat Bank since April 2012, is the member of Credit Committee of Ziraat Bank. He worked as the member of Board/Supervisory Board of ZiraatBank İnternational AG, member of the Board of ZiraatBank BH d.d., the memberships of the Board, Credit Committee, Audit Committee of Ziraat Participation Bank and membership of the Board of Ziraat Bank (Moscow) JSC.
Dr. Ahmet GENÇ
Member of the Board
He was born in 1960 in Ankara. He was graduated in 1984 from the Department of Public Management, Faculty of the Political Sciences in Ankara University. He served as an assistant specialist and a specialist in the years from 1985 to 1990 at the Banking Department in the Undersecretariat of Treasury, the General Directorate of the Banking and Foreign Exchange. He took education on the insurance and reassurance in the UK in 1990 for a period of one year. He completed his master’s degree in the years of 1993 and 1995 in the USA-Boston-Northeastern University, Department of Economics. He transferred in 1997 from the Undersecretariat of Treasury, the Directorate of Banking and Foreign Exchange to the General Directorate of Insurance as the Branch Manager. He was promoted to the position of the Head of Department in the year of 1998. He completed his doctorate degree (Ph.D.) in 2002 with his thesis on “Financial Competence in Insurance” at Ankara University-Institute of Social Sciences-Department of Business Administration. Genç, who served as the Deputy General Director at the General Directorate of Insurance in the years of 2002 and 2004, as the Vice General Director in the years of 2004 and 2007, as the General Director in the years of 2007 and 2015, was appointed to the position of the Assistant Undersecretary of Treasury as of the date of 22.02.2015. Doctor (Ph.D.) Ahmet Genç, who served as the member or as the chairman of founding board/committee of directors at the institutions and establishments such as the Insurance Information Center, Insurance Business Training Center (SEGEM), Agriculture Insurances Pool (TARSİM) created in recent years in relation with the insurance business, and who at the same time gave lessons at various universities as academician, served as the Chairman of the Board of our Bank between August 2018-March 2021. He has been serving as member of Board of our Bank since March 2021. He is the Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee.
Mahmut KAÇAR
Member of the Board
He was graduated 1999 from Harran University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering in 1999. Kaçar, who served as deputy Chairman of “Sağlık-Sen” affiliated to “Memur-Sen” Confederation from 2002 to 2008, Chairman of “Sağlık-Sen” and General Secretary of “Memur-Sen” from 2008 to 2011, 24th and 26th term Şanlıurfa Member of Parliament, has been working as member of the Board of Ziraat Bank since August 2018. Kaçar served as member of the Board of Ziraat Life and Pension, Ziraat Insurance and Ziraat Participation Bank. Furthermore, he is a Member of the Audit Committee.
Member of the Board
Having graduated from the primary and secondary schools of TED Ankara College, he attended Ankara Law Faculty and graduated from this faculty in 1977. He completed his military service at the Air Force Command as the reserve officer Military Prosecutor. He was an accountant member to the Board of Directors of Ankara Bar Association respectively from 1996 to 1998; he was an accountant member and member to the Board of Directors of the two-period Turkish Law Institute between 2000-2002 and 2002-2004, Member of the Board of Union of the Turkish Association in 2001 for a period of four years. He took part in the preparation of Regulations under the Amended Lawyer’s Act in the commissions included in the structure of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations. He served at the season of 2004-2005 as Deputy Chairmanship of the Turkish Basketball Federation Disciplinary Board; he exercised his independent occupation as a lawyer registered at Ankara Bar Association for the period elapsing from 1978-1980-1981 until 19 July of 2005 on which he was elected for the membership of the Constitutional Court. He was employed as the Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court from 14 April 2011 to 14 April 2015, besides by the Constitutional Amendment of 12 September 2010 he was assigned with the task of carrying out auditing the fundamental rights and freedoms which may be allegedly violated through the right to individual application which is falling within its duty and jurisdiction, he performed the Chairmanship for the first of the two sections for the period elapsing from 14 April 2011 to 14 April 2015. He has been working as the member to the Board of Directors of Ziraat Bank as of May 2019. He is a Member of the Corporate Governance Committee.
Member of the Board
He completed his high school education in Beyoğlu Commercial High School in 1976 and was graduated from İstanbul Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences, Faculty of Commercial Sciences, Department of Management and Accounting in 1980. He completed Master of Arts program in Accounting Audit in İstanbul University Faculty of Business Administration in 1982. After has worked as an Certified Public Accountant for 26 years and took the role of founding partner in the company Yön Muhasebecilik Mali Müşavirlik Limited Şirketi, Group Chairman and member of İstanbul Provincial General Assembly between the years of 1994-1999 and Mayor of Kağıthane for 3 terms between the years of 2004 and 2019. He has been serving as a Member of the Board of Ziraat Bank since 26.03.2021. Kılıç is also a member of Ziraat Bank’s Audit Committee, reserve member of Credit Committee and the Chairman of the Information Systems Strategy Committee and Information Security Committee.
Member of the Audit Board
He graduated from Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics in 2009. Between 2008-2010 he worked at Türkiye Finans Participation Bank and took responsibilities in the FX Desk of the Treasury Department and in project coordination in the Transformation Office. Between 2010-2017, he worked as a Treasury Expert at the Department of Multilateral Development Banks, General Directorate of Foreign Economic Relations of the Undersecretariat of Treasury. In this process, he contributed to policy making by conducting analyzes on the Corporate and Operational Policies of Multilateral Development Banks. He received his master’s degree in Business Administration at Florida Institute of Technology in the USA between 2017-2019. After completing his master’s degree, he continued his duty at the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. Yahya Akben has been serving as a Member of the Audit Board of Ziraat Bank since October 2020.