Ziraat Bank in Brief
As of end-2014, Ziraat Bank’s 12.4% share of the Turkish banking industry’s total assets made it the sector’s leader.
In 2014, Ziraat Bank continued to create even more points of contact with its customers by enlarging its branch network and opened 53 new branches. As of year-end, total number of domestic branches reached 1,682 consisting of 1,486 branches, 24 Corporate Branches, 80 Entrepreneurial Branches, and 90 Entrepreneurial Dynamic Branches, and two Mobile Vehicles. The total number of units in the Bank’s ATM network grew by 12.89% and reached 6,043.
In more than 400 of Turkey’s county seats and townships, Ziraat Bank is still the only financial services provider with a physical presence. The Bank’s huge geographical reach enables its expert staff to supply banking products and services that have been designed to meet the needs of nearly every type of customer.
Operations at 85 locations in 16 countries around the world mean that Ziraat Bank’s direct global reach is also more extensive than that of any other bank in Turkey. A global service network consisting of 7 international subsidiaries, 21 international branches, 4 sub-branches, and 1 representative’s office make it possible for Ziraat Bank to serve customers just about anywhere in the world. It also serves as a natural bridge in Turkey’s commercial relationships with international markets.
A progressive and innovative approach that enables Ziraat Bank to keep pace with constantly-changing economic conditions in Turkey and around the world also ensures that the bank remains a sought-after and preferred brand in national and international markets.
Ziraat Bank also possesses an extensive portfolio of subsidiaries and equity stakes that are active in the areas of banking, insurance, private pensions, investment banking, portfolio management, leasing, and financial service technologies. This portfolio generates synergies that continue to power the Bank’s surefooted advance.
To be a bank that understands customer needs and expectations, thereby offering them the best solutions and value proposition from the most appropriate channel; a bank that brings to every segment of society a wide range of products and services in the fastest, most effective way through its extensive network of branches and alternative distribution channels; a bank that operates with profitability and productivity at global standards by recognizing its ethical values and social responsibility; a bank that holds customer satisfaction to be more important than anything else.
To be a leading bank that is universal, respected and has high market value; a bank that provides extensive, reliable service everywhere in Turkey and the world at the same quality, and meets the needs of every segment; a bank that sees human resources as its most valuable asset; a bank that continuously makes a difference and creates value in a way that befits its deep-rooted past; a bank that promises more from a bank at every stage and serves as a model for its competitors.
Ziraat Bank is a wholly-owned entity of the Undersecretariat of the Treasury of the Republic of Turkey.