The Ziraat Bank Museum opens in the former VIP Lounge of the Bank’s headquarters. Intended to show off Ziraat Bank’s history, this is the first bank-owned and operated museum in Turkey.
776 sayılı Kanun’la köylü ve çiftçilerin Ziraat Bankası’na olan borçlarının taksitlendirilmesine imkan verildi.
Hamburg Temsilciliği açıldı.
Kıbrıs’ta Lefkoşe, Gazi Magosa ve Güzelyurt Şubeleri açıldı.
Ziraat Bankası’nın Mithatpaşa Gösteri Merkezi’ndeki sinema salonu açıldı.
İlk ve tek banka sineması olarak faaliyet gösteren Ziraat Bankası Sineması’nda, sinemase
Under Statute 776, Ziraat Bank is authorized to restructure the servicing of obligations owed to the Bank by villagers and farmers.
Ziraat Bank’s representative office opens in Hamburg.
Ziraat Bank opens its Lefkoşa, Gazi Magosa, and Güzelyurt branches in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
A cinema is opened at the Ziraat Bank Mithatpaşa Performing Arts Center.
The first and only cinema owned and operated by a bank, the Ziraat Bank Cinema begins hosting a choice selection of the latest films to viewers at no charge. The 30 or so Turkish and foreign films that are shows during each season are attended by more than 100 thousand viewers.
The Ziraat Bank Museum opens in the former VIP Lounge of the Bank’s headquarters. Intended to show off Ziraat Bank’s history, this is the first bank-owned and operated museum in Turkey.
Ziraat Bank’s representative’s office in New York is transformed into a branch while new offices are opened in Duisburg, Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, and Rotterdam.
Başak Çocuk, a children’s magazine published by Ziraat Bank appears for the first time with its March 1983 issue and proves to be very popular with readers. Consisting of 32 full-color pages, the magazine came with a four-page encyclopedia supplement that brought the total number to 36. With its rich, superior-quality content, Başak Çocuk heralded a new approach to children’s publications in Turkey and it remained innovative throughout its publishing life. Seeking to be educational as well as entertaining, the magazine was an informative resource and is still a treasured memory among many adults. Başak Çocuk continued to publish until the 2000-2001 season.
Under the Ziraat Bank 86 project, the first steps to adapt improvements in technology to banking services so as to deliver them faster, more efficiently, and at better quality are taken with the automation of a total of seven branches located in Ankara and İstanbul.
Farmers in the GAP (Southeastern Anatolia Project) area begin receiving credit products designed according to local requirements.
Ziraat Bank ranks 452nd among the world’s 500 biggest banks as measured by equity according to Euromoney, a magazine.
In fulfillment of Ziraat Bank’s mission to support agriculture, the foundations of a new approach are laid with an entire region being dealt with as a single unit for the first time.
verlere ücretsiz olarak vizyondaki en seçkin filmler sunulmaya başlandı. Her sezon yaklaşık 30 adet yerli ve yabancı vizyon filmi, 100 bini aşkın sinemasever tarafından izlendi. Sinema gösterimleri 2012 yılına kadar devam etmiştir.
Ziraat Bankası tarihini sergilemek amacıyla Genel Müdürlük Şeref Salonu’nda Ziraat Bankası Müzesi açıldı. Bu müze, Türkiye’nin ilk banka müzesi oldu.
New York Temsilciliği, şubeye dönüştürüldü. Duisburg, Berlin, Münih, Stuttgart ve Rotterdam Temsilcilikleri açıldı.
Bir Ziraat Bankası dergisi olan Başak Çocuk, ilk olarak Mart 1983’te çocuklarla buluştu, kitlelere ulaştı ve büyük beğeni topladı. Tamamı renkli 32 sayfadan oluşan dergi, 4 sayfalık ansiklopedi ilavesi ile birlikte 36 sayfaya ulaşıyordu. Dergi, zengin ve kaliteli içeriği ile ülkemiz çocuk dergiciliğinde çığır açmış ve bu çizgiyi yayım hayatı boyunca korumuştur. Hedef kitlesi olan çocukları hem eğlendirmeyi hem de eğitmeyi amaçlayan Başak Çocuk, bugünün çoğu yetişkininin hayatında yer edinmiş değerli bir kaynaktır. Başak Çocuk’un yayımı 2000-2001 yılına kadar devam etmiştir.
Gelişen teknolojiyi bankacılık hizmetlerine uyarlamak; daha hızlı, kaliteli ve verimli hizmetler sunabilmek amacıyla Ankara ve İstanbul’da olmak üzere toplam 7 şubede, Bank 86 Projesi kapsamında otomasyon ortamına geçildi.
GAP bölgesi üreticilerine, bölgenin özelliklerine uygun kredi desteği verilmeye başlandı.
Ziraat Bankası, Euromoney dergisinin “Özkaynak Büyüklüğüne Göre İlk 500 Banka” sıralamasında 452. oldu.
Tarımı destekleme misyonu kapsamında bir bölge ilk kez tek başına ele alınarak yeni bir anlayışın temelleri atıldı.
Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster.
Bearing the Diners Club label, credit cards are used in Turkey for the first time.
First moon landing.
Internet use begins to spread through the World Wide Web.
June 5th is recognized as World Environment Day at a UN conference in Stockholm.
The World Meteorological Organization convenes the First World Climate Conference.
The world’s first online banking applications are launched.
The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment is held in Stockholm (Stockholm +10).
The International Panel on Climate Change is set up jointly by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program.
Mobile telephony begins to spread rapidly.
The Banks Association of Turkey lifts its ban on bank TV advertising.
Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster.
The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development publishes the Brundtland Report, Our Common Future, a major landmark that introduced the concept of “sustainable development”.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change publishes its first global warming assessment report.