Ziraat Bank has supported economic and social development towards integration with its people since the early years of the Republic and has always been an example and a pioneer by overcoming all kinds of deficiencies and adversities in the first years of the Republic.
Art brings contemporary and creative power into society. Since 1926, our bank has integrated its support for art and artists with the slogan "For the art, in the art" to share art values with the public by moving it out of the institution and to make art livable, and for this purpose, the works of art in the collection are exhibited at different times.
The oldest of these works, which covers the transformation into a collection over a long period of time, is the "Pasture" painting, dated 1897, signed by H. Hadfield CUBLEY. In addition, we have a painting titled "Çulha (Dokumacı)" (Weaver) by Mehmet Ruhi AREL, which was created in 1926 and this painting was brought from our Kütahya Branch and is exhibited at the Museum of our Bank. The oil painting (450 x 500 cm) named “Gazi Mustafa Kemal Çiftçiler Arasında” (Ghazi Mustafa Kemal is among the Farmers), which was created by Namık İSMAİL specially for exhibition in the stairwell of our General Directorate building, which was built in Ankara in 1926, was completed in 1929. The painting of "Harman" (Harvest) on the right wall of the inner hall signed by İbrahim ÇALLI is very large with sizes of 4.50 x 5.30 meter, and has also a feature of masterpiece specially created for the building.
Masterpieces of the Artists of the Ottoman Artists Association are included among the most valuable masterpieces of our Collection, such as Hoca Ali Rıza (1864-1930), Mehmet Ruhi Arel (1880-1931), Mehmet Ali Laga (1878-1947), Şevket Dağ (1876-1944), Feyhaman Duran (1886-1970), Hikmet Onat (1882-1977), Hayri Çizel (1891-1950), Hasan Vecih Bereketoğlu (1895-1971), Ali Rıza Beyazıt (1883-1963), İbrahim Safi (1898-1983), Eşref Üren (1897-1984), Cemal Tollu (1899-1968), Nurullah Berk (1906-1982), Nuri İyem (1915-2005), Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu (1911-1975).
Turkish Painters in the Period of Republic and hundreds of artists who have created masterpieces in abstract, realistic, surrealistic, naive, tachist and figurative expression after 1950, and who have a tendency to develop new and pop-type works that have their own original styles, are carefully archived, printed as reproduction for use in our branches and used in desk calendars, and furthermore, it carries out all kinds of activities that may be useful in promotion of Turkish Painting.
Currently, art exhibitions are held except for the summer at the Tünel Art Gallery in Istanbul, and Kuğulu and Çukurambar Art Galleries in Ankara. Our collection, which is mostly oil paintings as well as watercolor, gouache, pastel, prints, ceramic and sculptures, is enriched every day with more than 2500 works of art by exhibiting works from artists at our galleries.
You can find photographs of many of the works in the Ziraat Bank painting collection from the following link of our Bank’s Facebook page.
Click here for Ziraat Bankası Art Collection Facebook page.(This page will be opened in new tab)