What are the vision, mission and strategies of Ziraat Bank?

Our Vision

To be a bank that is universal, respected and has high market value; a bank that provides extensive, reliable service everywhere in Türkiye and the world at the same quality, and meets the needs of every segment; a bank that sees human resources as its most valuable asset; a bank that continuously makes a difference and creates value in a way that befits its deep-rooted past; a bank that promises more from a bank at every stage and serves as a model for its competitors.

Our Mission

To be a bank that understands customer needs and expectations, thereby offering them the best solutions and value recommendations from the most appropriate channel; a bank that brings to every segment of society a wide range of products and services in the fastest, most effective way through its extensive network of branches and alternative distribution channels; a bank that operates with profitability and productivity at global standards by recognizes its ethical values and social responsibility; a bank that holds customer satisfaction to be more important than anything else.​​​​

Our Strategies

  • Sustaining to be a pioneer in the sector with its customer-oriented robust balance sheet and business model,
  • Banking for everyone, to be the Bank of whole Türkiye​,
  • Providing digital solutions to customers by using advanced technologies,
  • Providing excellent customer and employee experience by consistently improving processes,
  • Contributing to employee development and loyalty with learning organization principles and investing in human resources,
  • Maximizing customer satisfaction by producing integrated financial solutions in all countries where it operates as Ziraat Finance Group,

When was Ziraat Bank established?

Midhat Pasha, governor of Niš; a city in the former Yugoslavia which was Ottoman territory at the time, instituted successful projects in various areas while also closely observing the hardships experienced by farmers. He concluded from his research that organization in this area was imperative because farmers needed to be saved from the clutches of usurers through state aid, but it was important that this aid be strengthened by a popular movement. Thus, in 1863; using a fund collected by farmers, and with the leadership of Midhat Pasha; an organization called "Homeland Funds" came into being which was founded by and under the auspices of the state, going down in history as the first example of national banking.

On August 15, 1888 the modern financial institution Ziraat Bank was officially established to undertake the operations of the Benefit Funds. As of that date the Benefit Funds started to function as branches of Ziraat Bank. The benefit shares that had formed the financial resource of the Benefit Funds were transferred to the bank, and subsequent shares counted toward the bank's capital.​

How can I access Ziraat Bank’s articles of association, its annual reports and financial results?

The Articles of Association, annual reports and financial results can be reached at “The Articles of Association, annual reports and financial results can be reached at ​ Ziraat Investor Relations page.” page.

What is the ownership structure of Ziraat Bank?

Ziraat Bank’s sole shareholder is Türkiye​ Wealth Fund.​​

What is the paid-in capital of Ziraat Bank?

​The Bank’s paid-in capital is TRY 84,600,000,000. The capital involves 84,600,000,000 registered shares with a value of TRY 1 each. The Bank’s sole shareholder is Turkey Wealth Fund. ​

Where can I find information about The Bank’s General Assembly meetings?

For this information please ​ For this information please​ visit.​

Who are the Members of the Board of Directors?

For Board of Directors please For Board of Directors please ​ visit

How many countries and service points does Ziraat Bank currently operate in?

As of 31 December 2024, the Bank has 1,781 domestic branches. Ziraat Bank has a wide foreign service network in 19 countries with 125 service points including 28 foreign branches, 9 international subsidiary banks and 2 representative offices.​

How many employees does Ziraat Bank have?

As of 31 December 2024, the Bank has 26,011 employees.​

How can I reach the Bank’s Investor Presentation and Financial Presentation?

Where can I find information about Ziraat Bank’s sustainability policy?

For this information please For this information please ​ visit