Exchange Rate Protected TRY Time Deposit Account


Where can I open an Exchange Rate Protected TRY Time Deposit Account Converted from FX?

You can open your account from Ziraat Mobile, Ziraat Internet Branch and the nearest Ziraat Bank Branch.​

Who can benefit from the Exchange Rate Protected TRY Time Deposit Account Converted from FX?

Our natural person customers will be able to benefit from the TRY Foreign Exchange Protected Deposit Account Converted from FX. ​

How can I calculate the yield of the Exchange Rate Protected TRY Time Deposit Account Converted from FX?

At maturity, the yield will be calculated at the interest rate committed at the time of account opening, and the change between the exchange rate at the start date and the exchange rate at the maturity date will be calculated. The interest yield will be compared with the yield calculated over the exchange rate difference and the higher yield will be reflected in the account.​

Is the Exchange Rate Protected TRY Time Deposit Account Converted from FX subject to withholding tax?

Yes. A withholding tax (tax deduction) will be applied for this account at the rate specified in the regulations.​

Can I make partial withdrawals or early closure before maturity?

Partial withdrawals are not possible. However, you can close the account before maturity. For early closures, the principal amount will be determined based on the lower of the CBRT buying rate of the foreign currency/gold sold before the account opening and the CBRT buying rate announced at 11:00 on the date the account is closed. In this case, no interest yield will be obtained.​

Which maturities can I open an Exchange Rate Protected TRY Time Deposit Account Converted from FX?

It can be opened in TL for our real person customers with a maturity of 3 months.