In line with its Sustainability Policy adopted and announced by Ziraat Bank Board of Directors on September 30, 2014, Ziraat Bank carries out coordinated financial, operational, environmental and social efforts to boost productivity and to take its corporate structure forward into the future.
Our Sustainability Vision
Capitalizing on our unrivaled expertise and know-how accumulated over more than a 150 years period to contribute to Turkey's economy, environment and society; to create long-term value for stakeholders; and to compete globally by embracing the principles of sustainable profitability and productivity.
Our Sustainability Objective
Enhancing the medium- and long-term leverage of the Change and Transformation Project through sustainability efforts in the framework of this policy, in order to further strengthen the Bank's clout domestically and competitive edge globally.
Zİraat Bank's long-term success is founded on its stakeholders' trust and preference.
Zİraat Bank is a strong, leading, trust-inspiring bank.
Our Sustainability Approach
Our sustainability approach is shaped by our obligations as a financial services provider, responsibilities toward the society and the environment, and duties as an employer.
Based on these principles, Ziraat Bank strives to extend, enhance and support sustainability across its value chain.
Our sustainability approach is shaped by our obligations as a financial services provider, responsibilities to the environment and society, as well as our duties as an employer.
Our Sustainability Organization
Our Dialogue with Stakeholders
Ziraat Bank's long-term success depends on the ongoing trust and preference of its stakeholders. The sustainability projects we plan to implement will further boost this trust and loyalty.
400+ Districts and Towns
The Environment and Ziraat Bank
As the owner of the largest physical service network and the employer of one of the largest workforces in the Turkish banking industry, Ziraat Bank aims to check its direct and indirect impact on the natural environment, and to manage and improve this impact with the right strategies and technologies. To this end:
Zİraat Bank's line with sustainability principles stem from ambitious to add value to both the country and the world.
Social Contribution and Ziraat Bank
We contribute to society in many different ways, such as providing employment to over 25 thousand individuals, helping tens of millions of customers make their dreams a reality, and serving over 400 Turkish districts and towns as the only financial services provider in the region.
We plan to continue contributing to society and supporting social development via a multi-dimensional approach with activities that have an extensive social impact.
Products and Services
Ziraat Bank takes environmental and social issues into consideration when meeting customer demands and expectations, making the right value proposition to the right customer at the right time, and performing an efficient assessment of new business opportunities presented by the market.
We continue to support the agricultural sector with modern financing instruments and methods, in line with its foundation mission of 1863. We shall also continue contributing to agribusiness, which we believe to be of vital importance for Turkey.
In Brief
During its more than 150 years in existence, Ziraat Bank has proven that it is "More Than a Bank," in line with sustainability principles and ambitious to add value to both the country and the world.
In light of its general sustainability policy framework, Ziraat Bank is keen to continue growing as a strong, highly competitive bank with high market value and well-integrated into the world, on the basis of sustainable profitability and productivity.
To this end, we continuously work to boost the Our Bank's sustainability performance in line with the principles of transparency, accountability, legal compliance, commitment to ethical principles and risk management. Our aim is to become "More Than a Bank" in the area of corporate sustainability as well.