The Banker magazine named Ziraat Bank as "Western Europe's Second Most Robust Bank," based on objective criteria such as capital adequacy, asset quality, liquidity, risk environment and profitability measures.


  • On 20 November 1863, Mithat Paşa spearheads the establishment of Memleket Sandıkları (Homeland Funds) in the town of Pirot, which later served as the core from which Ziraat Bank grew.
  • Turkey's first statutorily regulated credit system is launched.
  • Mithat Paşa's Homeland Funds are reconstituted as Menafi Sandıkları (Benefit Funds) to become stronger and more sustainable.
  • Ziraat Bank's headquarters are opened in İstanbul.

Over its 150-year history, Zİraat Bank has achieved accomplishments that constitute milestones for the Turkish banking system.


  • Ziraat Bank extends credit to the Imperial Treasury for the first time.
  • Ziraat Bank supplies credit to supply grain to needy refugees and others in drought-stricken İzmit.
  • A project to fund purchases of European agricultural equipment using Ziraat Bank capital is studied.
  • Ziraat Bank offices are opened in Kerek, İpek, Prizren and Karacasu.
  • Ziraat Bank provides drought-stricken Kosovo farmers with low-cost credit on convenient terms.
  • Ziraat Bank opens a branch in Medina.
  • Ziraat Bank branches open in Baghdad and Basra.
  • Ziraat Bank branches provide earthquake-stricken farmers with loans.


  • Ziraat Bank begins lending to commercial enterprises.
  • The first seed-finance loans are provided.
  • First general deferment is granted on agricultural loans.
  • With the opening of the Grand National Assembly in Ankara, the city's Ziraat Bank branch is made responsible for the administration and oversight of all bank branches and offices in localities controlled by Ziraat Bank.
  • The Control of Ziraat Bank's İzmir and İstanbul operations was given to Ankara.

Zİraat Bank broke a record in terms of corporate tax payment in 2014.


  • Work is completed on the set of operational regulations called for by Statute 3202. Consisting of 198 articles, the regulations governing the operations of Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ziraat Bankası go into effect.
  • Ziraat Bank becomes a member of Confédération Internationale du Crédit Agricole (CICA), a non-profit worldwide association of banks and other entities interested and involved in rural financial processes.
  • Under Statute 7052, Ziraat Bank is authorized to restructure agricultural loan repayments.


  • Ziraat Bank's representative office opens in Hamburg.
  • Ziraat Bank opens its Lefkoşa, Gazimağusa, and Güzelyurt branches in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
  • Ziraat Bank's representative office in New York is transformed into a branch while new offices are opened in Duisburg, Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, and Rotterdam.
  • Under the Ziraat Bank 86 project, the first steps to adapt improvements in technology to banking services so as to deliver them faster, more efficiently, and at better quality are taken with the automation of a total of seven branches located in Ankara and İstanbul.
  • Ziraat Bank ranks 452nd among the world's 500 biggest banks in terms of by equity according to Euromoney, a leading industrial publication.

In line with its principle of sustainable profitability, Our Bank announced the Turkish banking sector's highest profit with net profit of TL 5,162 million in 2015.


  • The Ziraat Bank Banking School begins instruction in order to keep the Bank supplied with the qualified human resources that it needs.
  • The first investment fund (Fund I) was established.
  • Gold sales were initiated under the name of Ziraat Gold. The first consumer loan was issued, along with the first credit card. The Bingöl-Muş Rural Development Project was initiated.
  • As well as ATM machines, foreign currency exchange machines were brought into service for the first time in Turkey, along with self-service information terminals, voice messaging systems and the Bingöl-Muş Rural Development Project, which included a branch not requiring human staffing, aiming to provide uninterrupted 24-hour service.
  • Ziraat Bank Moscow, Kazkommerts Ziraat International Bank (KZI Bank), Turkmen Turkish Commercial Bank (TTC Bank) and Uzbekistan Turkish Bank (UT Bank) were established and entered into operation.
  • Ziraat Bank was ranked 202nd in Euromoney's top 500 banks, 41st in terms of net profit, and the world's first in terms of its return on equity.
  • Moreover, Ziraat Bank ranked 12th in the "World's 50 Most Rapidly Developing Banks" listing.
  • The Sofia Branch entered into operation.
  • The Stuttgart, Hannover, Frankfurt and Duisburg representative offices began to operate as branches.
  • Newly-launched banking software makes it easier to create and offer new products and services.
  • Turkish-Ziraat Bank Bosnia DD receives Visa and Europay International licenses and begins processing Visa acquiring and issuing transactions for the first time in Bosnia-Herzegovina in coordination with Ziraat Kart A.Ş.
  • The Law numbered 4603 passed on 25 November 2000 paved the way for Ziraat Bank to be transformed into a joint-stock company.
  • The scope of the banking software centralization project (Fin@rt) is expanded.
  • In Greece, the Athens and Komotini branches entered into operation.
  • Ziraat Bank announced TL 3,511 million net profit, the highest profit ever announced by a Turkish company until 2009.
  • Branches were opened in Baghdad, Erbil and Jeddah.
  • Ziraat Bank purchases the rights to the Turkish Cup name.
  • Ziraat Bank launches its "Together, to a Better Future" Change & Transformation Project.
  • Ziraat Bank celebrates its first century and a half in business with its employees.
  • On 30 September 2014, the Board of Directors approved and announced the Sustainability Policy which summarizes Ziraat Bank's sustainability vision, goals and approach; and defines the Bank's stance on the pillars of the environment, society and products and services.
  • Ziraat Bank published its first sustainability report, which was GRI rated at A+ standards.


  • Ziraat Bank tops the 2014 corporate income tax league table.
  • Ziraat Katılım Bankası commences operations.
  • Our Bank's Pristina branch opens in Kosovo.
  • Ziraat Bank Azerbaijan ASC commences operations.
  • Ziraat Bank is designated "Europe's 2nd Most Robust Bank."
  • Ziraat Bank Montenegro AD commences operations.
  • In keeping with its principle of sustainable profitability, Ziraat Bank reports 2015 profits amounting to TL 5,162 million, the highest of Turkish banking sector.